All posts in 2008

Tips for getting into unicycling and mountain unicycling

Do you want to just learn to unicycle, or do you want to eventually mountain unicycle (muni)? If your goal is simply to learn to unicycle, your best bet is to get a cheap starter... [read more]

Northstar muni this weekend!

We are going to go muni riding in northstar this weekend! The place has lifts so we can just ride downhill. Here’s the car with my first ever attempt of loading unicycles on the roof.... [read more]

Wake up and smell the cocoa


Your most important breakpoint in Cocoa

…..drumroll please…and it is…is: objc_exception_throw. You should always have this breakpoint setup in any Cocoa or Cocoa Touch app that you are building. How do you do it? In Xcode, Run -> Show -> Breakpoints... [read more]
Cocoa, Coding

Project Huchinson is alive again!

I’m back to working on my eternal house project. I finished the baseboards for the downstairs, so now it is time to tackle the upstairs. The upstairs is really rough. First off, there are these... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Barack Obama on twitter

What’s even cooler is that he’s following me now: —– I’m sure it is an auto-added thing, but still, cool :) He’s got my vote!

Typical ride to eork

The typical ride to work with my 20″ uni:

WordPress for iphone

… Woot! Simple blogging from my iphone 3g. How about this lamp I saw last week? Louise said NO.

Xcode code completion and your code

How can you become a faster Cocoa programmer? One way is to adequately name your variables, enums and classes. Let’s start with enums and take an example from something new to NSTableView in Leopard. This... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, Coding

New blog layout

I updated my blog layout. I realize it doesn’t work that well in IE. In versions less than 7, it doesn’t support transparent png images, so the backgrounds probably look bad. In IE 7 it... [read more]

Unicycle paint jobs (2)

I picked up some sweet metallic red auto paint, and painted our unicycles. Here’s some final shots, and eventually I may write up a post on how it was done. Corbin’s KH 24 frame and... [read more]

Project Hutchinson: baseboards

Baseboards are nearly done! Project hutchinson moves one step closer to being done. iPhone pics:
DIY Home Remodeling

Americans favor offshore drilling – Jul. 30, 2008

What the heck! did these people just call Texans? [From Americans favor offshore drilling – Jul. 30, 2008]

“Ride the Lobster” Unicycle race — cover article

Howdy! I forgot to pick up a copy of this newspaper in Canada, but it was quite cool as I was on the cover (lower left) at the start of the last day. Click for... [read more]


I asked Louise to marry me on our unicycle ride last friday, 7/4/08. we are engaged! The night before I rode up and spray painted over a bunch of graffiti and the painted the words... [read more]

Ride the Lobster Unicycle Race: It’s over!

Well, Louise and I had a great week riding our unicycles at a maddening pace throughout Nova Scotia. Final results are here: My team, Texacali, placed third overall! (out of 35 teams). I’m quite... [read more]

Ride the lobster unicycle race: Stage 1 done!

We finished the first 200km! It was pretty tough. Amazingly enough, my team, TexaCali, is in third place! We probably exerted too much energy today, but it was pretty fun. For a while at the... [read more]

Ride the Lobster – Unicycle race in Canada next week

Next week my team (TexaCali) will be participating in the “Ride the Lobster” unicycle race in Nova Scotia, Canada. Check out the website: And visit the results page to see how we do:

The Canopy Cathedral « The Treehouse Guy

An amazing new Treehouse by Peter Nelson. [From The Canopy Cathedral « The Treehouse Guy]

WWDC 2008

WWDC 2008! Howdy to my fellow Cocoa Developers. Take a look at the conference schedule: and be sure to come to my talk! Tuesday at 10:30 AM, iPhone for Mac Developers. If you have... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, Coding

A few good pictures From the UCSC Arboretum, taken yesterday. An HDR shot of a bee; the image was generated from a single RAW exposure, mainly to increase some details that you couldn’t see with the original photograph.... [read more]
Nature, Photography

Corbin’s Trials Course – 30th birthday movie

Back on April 13th I turned 30! I did a little camera filming on my trials course. Click below to download the movie. QuickTime format, H.264 encoded, 2:41 seconds. 15.6 MB.

70-200mm canon lens

I got a nice new lens a few weeks ago. It takes GREAT pictures. Here’s some examples from a few days ago: Bottlenose brush in the front of our house. Cactus flower at the Santa... [read more]
Nature, Photography

Fire in Santa Cruz Mountains I really hope it doesn’t burn down my dad’s house, and my old treehouse….. UPDATE: I went to the house this morning (Friday) and it is still there. The winds have calmed down quite... [read more]

Unicycle ride log, entry 17, May 22, 2008

Ride: Home to work. RTL training ride. Totally tired, and I forgot to get stats. Something like 12-13mph average over the 20 mile ride, and about 10 minutes longer than usual. i crashed riding to... [read more]
Logbook, Unicycling

Unicycle ride log, entry 16, May 21, 2008

Ride: Los Gatos to work. With my MacBook Pro 15″ in a backpack that also contained my camel back with 2 liters of water. Time: 8:00’ish to 9:40’ish Riding Time: 0:38’00 Distance: 9.21 miles Average... [read more]
Logbook, Unicycling

Unicycle ride log, entry 15, May 20, 2008

Ride: Home to work. RTL training ride. I finally fixed my cycle computer to be more accurate. Time: 6:35 to 8:05? Riding Time: Distance: Average Speed: Max Speed: 26.2 mph (that can’t be right, but... [read more]
Logbook, Unicycling

Unicycle ride log, entry 14, May 18, 2008

Ride: Strawberry Fields Forever 2008 – Watsonville, Corralitos, and Santa Cruz. Time: 7:15’ish to 3:30’ish Riding Time: 5:13’08, moving time on cycle computer Distance: 65.52 miles. Average Speed: 12.5 mph Max Speed: 25.3 mph ODO:... [read more]
Logbook, Unicycling

Unicycle ride log, entry 13, May 17, 2008

26’ish mile ride, “Rob’s ride” plus Sick and Twisted. On geared nimbus 36, with Chuck, Beau and Mike also on geared 36’ers, Tom on geared 29’er, and Nathan on a traditional Coker. Lots o fun.... [read more]
Logbook, Unicycling

Unicycle ride log, entry 12, May 15, 2008

Ride to work on “Bike to work day”. Ride: Ride from home to work (Los Gatos to Apple headquarters in Cupertino, CA). The path: Corbin’s house to work. Time: 6:30 to 8:00 — then stopped... [read more]
Logbook, Unicycling

Unicycle ride log, entry 11, May 13, 2008

Ride home from work today. Louise also rode home, and I caught up with her going up old Santa Cruz highway. Louise crashed going down our super steep hill to the house; she had 125’s... [read more]
Logbook, Unicycling

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