Ride the lobster unicycle race: Stage 1 done!


We finished the first 200km! It was pretty tough. Amazingly enough, my team, TexaCali, is in third place! We probably exerted too much energy today, but it was pretty fun. For a while at the start, I was even leading! It was a cool experience to be out in front of 35 other teams.

The current top five teams: The German Speeders (insanely fast riders all on geared 36’ers), Team NZ (New Zealanders), who did an amazing pace mostly on ungeared unicycles, team TexaCali (one geared 36, one geared 29’er, one ungeared 36’er). Next was team Personal Roller Coaster — which was an amazingly fast team. After that was another bay area team, team Totally Doable.

Super cool! Pictures up eventually…


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Hey. Can i ask: how much does it cost to take part in such competition and what is the prize for winners?)
By the way, yesterday i couldn’t find your team (and some others) on the gps map. why is that?


Eugene — most the info can be found out at http://www.ridethelobster.com — check out the FAQ page.

The GPS page wasn’t super-great; it stopped updating after we finished the race, and didn’t have results for the per-day stats.


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