All posts in 2008


Vietnam Unicycle Tour – Ha Long Bay and Hanoi (pre tour)

Well, we all made it to Vietnam without much hassle! For those of you who just like pictures and don’t like reading, here’s the Picasa Web Albums link. I’ll upload new pictures to the same... [read more]

Off to Vietnam today!

Uninam 08. Pictures, photos, picts, imgs, will be posted when I can. Maybe even video too! I got Louise the Canon HV20 HDV video cam for her birthday. We will be taking some videos and... [read more]

Unicycle Ride Log Entry 3 – March 04, 2008

Unicycle Ride Log Entry 3 – March 04, 2008 Ride: Apple to Stevens Creek Reservoir and Back 10’ish miles Date: March 04, 2008 Time: 12:10-1:00 (ish) Riding Time: 0:46’24 Distance: 10.62 miles Average Speed: 13.7... [read more]

Unicycle Ride Log Entry 2 – March 2, 2008

Unicycle ride log, entry 2. Ride: Mark/Michelle’s house to Corralitos and back. Corbin, Louise, Nathan, Michelle, Rob. Date: Sunday, March 2nd, 2008 Time: 12:00 PM – 3:45 PM Riding Time: 2:56’09 Distance: 30.83 miles Average... [read more]

Unicycle Ride Log Entry 1 – March 1, 2008

Unicycle ride log, entry 1. Ride: Skyline Blvd, 52 miles. Corbin, Louise, Nathan. Geoff on bike for a while. Date: Saturday, March 1st, 2008 Time: 8:15 AM – 3:30 PM Riding Time: (forgot to write... [read more]

Unicycle ride log, entry 0 – Feb 28, 2008

Unicycle ride log, entry 0 Ride: Reservoir ride from Nathan’s house. Corbin, Louise, Eric, Nathan. Date: Feb 28, 2008 Time: 7:50? AM – 9 AM Riding Time: 1:02? (forgot the exact time) Distance: 12 miles... [read more]

Ocean front home for sale in Lahaina, Maui Hawaii

My dad is selling his house in hawaii: This is a rare chance to buy some ocean front property right in Lahaina town. Contact my dad via the link above, or contact me.

Nimbus 36 unicycle cable brake

I welded on a little bracket to the back of my big 36’er unicycle frame to allow me to mount a cable brake: The nimbus 36 frame that I use can run magura brakes, but... [read more]

Woodshop – Dust collection

I’ve been working on my “Woodshop” (aka: the garage) in preparation for some larger projects (in particular, kitchen cabinets). Jason Beaver, who works with me at Apple, clued me into how bad it is to... [read more]

French Treehouse

Some guys who made a cool treehouse in france emailed me a link to their site: The treehouse is great! They have a spiral staircase and a lift custom made out of steel: [read more]

Kooza is in town!

Louise and I saw the new Cirque du Soleil show, Kooza, in San Jose last night. It was great! The show features a unicycle act; the most impressive part about that act was the... [read more]
Circus/Cyr Wheel

House for rent (that has my treehouse on it) in Corralitos, ca

Most of my family lives in Hawaii, but they still have a house over here in Corralitos, Santa Cruz County, California. My dad decided we should rent it out, so it will be available (starting... [read more]
General, Treehouses

Ride the Lobster! Unicycle race…

I mentioned before that I’m going to be “riding the lobster”. One of my team mates, Kevin, had a great article on him in the good times (a local paper in santa cruz): Check... [read more]

Artisan Tree & Treehouse

I’ve always loved treehouses, and eventually I hope to build a few more on my property. Until then, I’ll have to live vicariously through other treehouse builders. Steve Chmielnicki, of Rosemont, PA, is an excellent... [read more]

Cocoa: willDisplayCell delegate method of NSTableView, [NSCell setTextColor], and “source lists”

Mac OS 10.5 added a “source list” highlighting style to NSTableView, with the API below for your reference: enum { NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyleRegular = 0, NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyleSourceList = 1, }; typedef NSInteger NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyle; – (NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyle)selectionHighlightStyle; – (void)setSelectionHighlightStyle:(NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyle)selectionHighlightStyle; Source... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, Coding

Silk instruction

I’m getting Louise to give me some Silk lessons in our house. I figured it would be easiest for me to learn by pictures. So, here they are. Click on any picture for a larger... [read more]
Circus/Cyr Wheel

Christmas 2007

Here’s a picasa web album for Christmas at our house with Louise’s family: Christmas 2007
Other Stuff

Movies from Muni Weekend 07 – Santa Cruz

Dani, a great unicycle rider from Hawaii, not only flew all the way over the Pacific to come to Muni Weekend, but he also brought his camera and got a lot of great shots. Here’s... [read more]

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