
Unicycling is one of my favorite activities — especially mountain unicycling or road riding in the hills by my house. I learned to unicycle in April 2004 when I got my first one: a cromo steel Kris Holm 24″ mountain uni.

I was the previous 2010 Unicycle Marathon World Champion! The course was really suited to my riding style. In 2012, I attended UNICON and got 3rd in each of the marathon, 10km and 100km races. The cool thing about the 100km race is that I was one of the only people to do it nonstop, with zero dismounts or falls.. At the North American Unicycle Nationals in 2010 (called UGames), I also won the Downhill Mountain Unicycling race, and Marathon race. I placed second in the 10km and time trial races (behind the super-fast Chuck Edwall) and 3rd in Mountain Uni Cross Country.

I have a lot of unicycles and primary ride my Kris Holm geared 36″ road uni and 24″ geared mountain unicycle. I also have a geared 26″ muni. The geared hub is a planetary system that gives two speeds, and are from Schlumpf Innovations.

In 2013 I built my own big 36″ unicycle to ride, called the Corbin V-36.

In April 2017 I rode the Arizona Trail on my unicycle. Check out all the posts: Arizona Trail on Unicycle.

In 2015 I rode my unicycle through the Himalayan mountains of Nepal.

In 2020, I did some filming work for xfinity mobile and appeared in their commercial and website. https://ispot.tv/a/nmAL

Listed below are various posts about unicycling (this is my “Unicycling” category on the left”).


Uninam – more great pictures

Hien (Jason’s girlfriend) posted 80 of her top pictures from Vietnam on flickr. One of my favorite: http://www.flickr.com/photos/hienerella/2371701566/?addedcomment=1#comment72157604325960134 The “boys” in their “suites”. Corbin, Nathan, Jason and Ken.

Uninam Quy Nhon to Tuy Hoa – Day 8

Last day of riding! We did 70km today, and it was hot, but we had a few hills that broke up the flatness. Today was a great day of riding. The scenery was beautiful!! I... [read more]

Uninam – Quan Nhai (or Quay Nhon) to ? – Day 7

I think I got the current city wrong; it is Quay Nhon and not Quan Nhai. After a great rest day we preceded to do 100km of riding. It was tough! The sun was blazing,... [read more]

UniNam – rest day in Quang Nhai

Today was a relaxed day where we basically did nothing. Well, Ryan got hit by a motorbike, so he did do something (more on that story later!) I took a few pictures today and you... [read more]

Uninam – some more great pictures

Today is a rest day, so how about some more pictures? Here’s a few from Geoff: Kids going crazy: Me wheel walking: –corbin

Uninam – Hoi An to Quang Nhai – Day 5

Day 5 was more riding, but started out with a 45 minute boat ride down the river. We piled all the unicycles on top of the boat and enjoyed the serene settings as we floated... [read more]

Uninam – Quang Nhai to Quy Ngon – Day 6

Day 6 started out early. We got up at about 5:50 am to get an early breakfast. Breakfast was not so great; the hotel food was sort of lack luster, and Louise had trouble finding... [read more]

Uninam – Rest day in Hoi An – Day 4

Well! I’m a few days behind for blogging. Hoi An was an amazing town, and we were fortunate to have a full rest day to play around and enjoy the city. The city itself is... [read more]

Uninam – Top of the hill

Matthew Wagner, a fellow unicyclist from Arizona, took a great picture of me at the top of a hill on some military bunker thing: http://flickr.com/photos/matthewwegner/2331021924/in/set-72157604060630923/ Check our his complete set of pictures at: Matthew Wagner’s... [read more]

Uninam – a few more tastes of Hanoi

I found a few more interesting pictures from when we were in Hanoi. Wiring is a nightmare: Snake wine: Candy store: Pet shop:

Vietnam Unicycle Tour (Uninam) – Lang Co to Hoi An – Day 3

Day 3 is a nice 65-70 km day (it varies depending on who measured the distance, and my computer accidentally got reset). It was unfortunate to leave the beach town, but we did snap a... [read more]

Vietnam Unicycle Tour (Uninam) – Hue to Lang Co – Day 2

Day 2 is where the riding really starts. Today we did 80k worth of riding. I did some video at the start, and then switched to the DLSR after the battery ran out. We are... [read more]

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