
Short Video: Heart Bowl – CNC Woodworking

I made this Short (aka: TikTok or Reel) from my full length Heart Bowl CNC Wooddworking video over on YouTube.

Batman Dark Knight Wood Bowl – CNC Woodworking – 3D CNC Wood Carving

I thought I’d continue my bowl making and create a batman themed bowl using the dark knight logo. I machined it on my Tormach and used walnut wood, because that is the perfect dark night... [read more]

Drip Butterfly Bowls – CNC Woodworking

I made some of the initial drip butterfly bowls before the heart bowls, but I had wanted to release the heart bowl video specifically on mother’s day. These bowls are a combination of several ideas,... [read more]

Purple and Gold Epoxy Drip Bowls – CNC Woodworking

This bowl design is an evolution of several things. The bowl shape is almost identical to the Ink and Oak Bowl, and I wanted to combine epoxy like the Chaos Bowl. But I wanted controlled... [read more]

Ink and Oak Bowl – CNC Woodworking

This is the Ink and Oak Bowl, another shape that can’t be created on the standard wood lathe. This bowl is an evolution of the Chaos Bowl I made a while back. That bowl is... [read more]

Solid Redwood Butterfly Bowl – CNC Woodworking

I wanted to do a version of my butterfly bowl that was solid wood. The tree itself was probably cut down when my parents built the house I grew up in; so sometime in the... [read more]

The Butterfly Bowl

View on YouTube: Making the Butterfly Bowl This thing is awesome! This is my first complex bowl shape. It took a lot of careful design to make sure everything would work out, and even after... [read more]

Photos: THE CHAOS BOWL – CNC Woodworking

This bowl started out with the idea of using cracked pieces of wood. Unfortunately, it turned out pretty ugly. I didn’t quite calculate where the broken areas would show up, and it became way too... [read more]

Video: Translucent Wood and Epoxy Bowl: THE CHAOS BOWL – CNC Woodworking

Check out the making of this bowl on my Tormach PCNC 1100. I call it the Chaos Bowl because it is chaotic with broken wood pieces. Direct YouTube Link: The Chaos Bowl.

CNC Woodworking Shell Bowl Overview Video

This is a sped up video of me making this CNC wood bowl on my Tormach PCNC 1100. Check out my last post for how to make the shell cnc bowl.

How to Make a Wood Shell Bowl with a CNC Router / CNC Woodworking

September 2020 Update: I’ve been refining this process a lot! Be sure to check out my more complete tutorial on how I create bowls on my CNC machine: CNC Woodworking Drip Bowl Tutorial on YouTube... [read more]

Square Wood Bowl v1 – CNC Woodworking

I decided to experiment with creating a CNC wood bowl. This is my first jump into doing some more complex shapes with a CNC router, although, I have a proper CNC machine and not just... [read more]

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