Drip Butterfly Bowls – CNC Woodworking


I made some of the initial drip butterfly bowls before the heart bowls, but I had wanted to release the heart bowl video specifically on mother’s day. These bowls are a combination of several ideas, and I’ve definitely been refining my process for how I create these things. Each bowl is slightly better than the last: better colors, better finishing, and better drips.

Some are for sale over at the Redwood Monkey Workshop. They’ll only be listed if they are still available.

First I’ll show some pictures of the last one that I made: Cherry wood with purple drips. I accidentally mixed the wrong amount of epoxy; I had looked at the amount I was using for my heart bowl and came up short. Instead of mixing more of the same color I decided to mix up some “ghost blue” epoxy and mix it in. The result was amazing!

Next is cherry with blue drips. I glued up the two cherry boards in tandem to save time, and it definitely cut down on my manufacturing time a little bit.

Next is the original commission piece that I made for Colin. This was the very first “drip butterfly”, and it was machined using some of my older techniques. The mica powder dropped out quite a bit, but this resulted in a stunning combination: translucent pink/orange wing tips and a strong pink glow on the mountain tops. The madrone wood was harvested from the Santa Cruz mountains with my chainsaw mill. This bowl is the original size I did, which is slightly smaller than the later ones. I wasn’t sure if I could do bigger sizes on my machine, and I started maxing out the y-axis travel of my Tormach to make the bigger ones.

Another one of the smaller bowls, and this one is for sale. Also in madrone wood, and with a really deep purple drip style. The purple looks to be almost blue, and has some hints of yellow in it. The tops of the drips are highlighted a bit with gold epoxy; it didn’t turn out quite the way I wanted, but it is still pretty cool. The pink tones of the madrone are amazing!

Walnut was the next wood I played around with. I wanted a bowl to keep for myself, and I decided on walnut with white drips. The combination looks stunning! It was really hard to photograph this bowl though; the dark and light combination made it hard to set the exposure correctly. I need to do more photos in direct sunlight and see how they look.

The last one: walnut with blue drips. I made this one to post for sale on my site. I’m hoping that I can sell a few items to pay for some of the wood and epoxy that I bought.

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[…] Drip Butterfly Bowls – CNC Woodworking […]

This purple butterfly drip bowel is amazing!!! I love how beautiful it turned out!! My momma just passed away an she always called me her butterfly.. Her favorite color was purple. So this is just beyond beautiful too me!! ? LOVE THIS!!! Wayyy too go!!!

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