
Debugging OCTest bundles

Another old article: June 20, 2005 Debugging OCTest bundles To debug OCTest bundles: 1. Add a new executable to your Xcode project pointing it to “otest” at /Developer/Tools/otest 2. Double click on the executable, and... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Repost: How to find memory leaks in Cocoa apps with Object Alloc

(The original of this I accidentally killed — here is a copy). If your Cocoa application leaks memory, here is a way to find those leaks! 1) Open your application in Object Alloc 2) Start... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Changing the disclosure triangle in an NSOutlineView

At WWDC I was asked how to remove the disclosure triangle in an NSOutlineView. Well, first things first. You can change it with this bit of code in your delegate: - (void)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)ov willDisplayOutlineCell:(NSButtonCell *)cell... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

rail unicycle riding at East Cliff Rd, Santa Cruz, CA (aka: ‘the hook’)

I did some cool rail riding last weekend: Here’s a snapshot: I am actually right above the cliff. Check out the other pictures. Cool, huh! This is what I do in my spare time.... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Tooltips for NSTableView cell’s in Tiger

At WWDC, I quickly mentioned how easy it is to add tooltip’s to an NSCell for an NSTableView/NSOutlineView. Here is a quick snippet of code on how to do this only if the text doesn’t... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Tiger and the keyboard

Okay, one of the coolest Tiger enhancements has to do with keyboard shortcuts. The “really smart” Human Interface people at Apple figured out some stuff that bothered me in Panther. The main one that I... [read more]
Apple, General
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Drawing a “mail like” border on items in an NSTableView

Mail has a cool way of making unread messages stand out. It is really easy to do this type of thing with NSTableView/NSOutlineView. Subclass the one you want, and override drawRow. Toss in the code... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

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