Video: How to Make an ATC Tool Rack

I needed a tool rack for my HITECO ATC spindle on my Avid CNC machine. I experimented with 3D printing some holders, but I felt like they were too weak. So, I ended up machining... [read more]

How to Setup an Automatic Tool Changer (ATC) on an Avid CNC using Mach 4

Video link: ATC Setup on Avid CNC This is a companion article for the above video where I talk about setting up an Automatic Tool Changer (ATC) on a CNC machine. For the Mach 4... [read more]
Photo of tramming the CNC spindle

How to Tram a CNC Spindle / Router

When you build a CNC the spindle or router may not be perfectly aligned to the table. You have to tram it, or align it to the axis that it will move along. This is... [read more]

Video: Precision with an Avid CNC Build

Video link: Ep3: Avid CNC Build Getting Precision and Accuracy Precision and accuracy are really important to a CNC machine. I wanted mine to accurately flatten a piece of wood down the entire length of... [read more]

Video: Building a Heavy Welded Steel CNC Table

Direct video link: Avid CNC Steel Table Build One of the biggest complaints of the Avid CNC is that the table isn’t heavy enough. A heavier table will help produce better cuts on a CNC... [read more]
Avid CNC vs Phantom vs Laguna etc

Avid CNC vs Phantom CNC, Laguna, Shop Sabre, Etc

Textual link to the video: Don’t Buy the Wrong CNC – Why I got an Avid CNC This video is almost 20 minutes long and I go into details on why I got an Avid... [read more]
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Low Profile CNC Toe Clamps – 3D Printed

I needed a better way to hold down my workpieces onto my CNC table. I had seen some low profile clamps that the people have done, but they were all designed for a t-nut system,... [read more]

Heart Box Wood Variations

I’ve been doing some variations of the heart box with different woods. This one has a cherry wood base with the same wave design I did in the original wood heart box. I used maple... [read more]

Heart Box – Cherry Wood and Madrone Wood Wave

I’ve been working on setting up a new CNC machine, and this is one of the first projects I did on it. It is a variation of the epoxy and wood heart boxes I did... [read more]

Walnut Spatula and Spoon

So far I have made one pair of the spoon and spatula utensils to sell. These are made from walnut with a madrone wood inlay in the shape of a rose. They are the same... [read more]

CNC Woodworking: Madrone Spoon with Wood Inlay

I decided to make a custom spoon to match the Wood Spatula I shared in my last post. I’ve only made a few of them with the rose inlay, but I do hope to make... [read more]

Madrone Wood Spatula with Walnut Wood Inlay

I’ve been working on some utensil designs, and the first thing that I made is a wooden spatula. The spatula itself is curvy and round, which is contrary to a lot of spatulas that I’ve... [read more]
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Video: Heart Box – CNC Woodworking

In the last few posts I shared some photos of my heart box. The first prototype one was made from cherry wood with Bora Bora blue epoxy and the second pair was made with purple... [read more]

Heart Box – Cherry Wood Box with Purple and Ghost Blue

The first heart box, Cherry with Bora Bora Blue, was a prototype that turned out awesome. However, I felt like there were ways to improve things, especially when my wife gave me some invaluable feedback.... [read more]

Heart Box – Cherry with Bora Bora Blue

Update: Available for sale on my store: Corbin’s Workshop or Etsy: Box on Etsy I thought it would be fun to add a lid to my heart bowls and turn it into a box. The... [read more]

Corbin’s Workshop Store on Etsy

I decided to take the plunge and list some of my things on Etsy. Check out my store: CorbinsWorkshopStore for Woodworking on Etsy. I was avoiding this, due to the 7% fees they charge, and... [read more]

Video: Heart Bowl Packaging

Lately I’ve been making several heart bowls to post for sale on my website: Corbin’s Workshop. To ship them, I normally would haphazardly wrap up the product in a bunch of old packaging material, put... [read more]

Heart Bowl – Madrone with Lava Shimmer

My last heart bowl (madrone with bora bora blue) was also made from madrone wood, and this one turned out awesome! I decided to experiment with some new mica powder pigments, and I thought a... [read more]
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Heart Bowl – Madrone with Bora Bora Blue

I’ve been working on making a few more heart bowls to have some inventory for sale on my website. This is one of the first ones! This bowl is made from madrone wood. But not... [read more]

Short Video: Heart Bowl – CNC Woodworking

I made this Short (aka: TikTok or Reel) from my full length Heart Bowl CNC Wooddworking video over on YouTube.

Short: Epoxy Drip Bowls

This is a short made from my original Epoxy Drip Bowls video. Original post: Epoxy Purple and Gold Drip Bowls Original video: Epoxy Drip Bowls on YouTube

Photography: Sun Setting Over Lanai

I took this photo in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii. The island of Lanai can be seen in the distance with the sun setting behind it.

Short Video: Batman Box CNC Woodworking

I’ve been reworking some of my earlier YouTube videos into “Shorts/Reels/TikToks”. It’s interesting because I get a lot more views. Check out the original video: As of today, the original video got 3700 views,... [read more]
Video, Woodworking
Timber Frame Woodshed

Video: Timber Frame Woodshed – Learning & Building

My last post I put up the plans for my timber frame shed – they are super generic and the minimal information I needed to build the wood shed. Here’s a complete video on the... [read more]
Video, Woodworking
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Timber Frame Woodshed “Plans” & CAD

Soon I’ll be posting a video about making my timber frame woodshed. For now, here are some links to the plans. I use the term a bit loosely; it is the minimal amount of dimensions... [read more]

Borneman Timber Frame Layout Guide – 3D Printed (Free STL Download)

Download all the files for free over on Corbin’s Workshop: Borneman Layout Guide I’ve been fascinated with timber framing for a few years. This is when you use lots of big pieces of wood, called... [read more]

Mountain Bike: Knobbies at Stanford Rock

The past two years I’ve been doing some night mountain bike rides with a group of people called the Knobbies. We do rides around the north shore of Tahoe, such as in Truckee, Incline, and... [read more]

Video: Log Tenon Cutter for $5 to make log furniture

My deck’s railing broke last winter due to some snow falling off the roof and onto it. I needed a way to make some log tenons to repair broke pieces. I searched around on the... [read more]

Photos: Lotus Bowl #3, Cherry with Purple Ghost Epoxy

I wanted a slightly larger size than Lotus Bowl #1, and I realized I could turn it slightly to get a larger piece out of the same limited Y axis that I have on my... [read more]

Photos: Lotus Bowl #1, Madrone with Epoxy

Following up my last post on the Lotus Bowl Video. Here are a few photos of my latest CNC woodworking art piece. This bowl is rather small; I’d really like to make bigger bowls, but... [read more]
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Lotus Bowl Image - CNC woodworking project

Video: Lotus Bowl – CNC Woodworking

In this video I show how I made my new Lotus Bowl. I was inspired by the lotus flower, and wanted to create a shape that would have lots of overlapping features. The first bowl... [read more]

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