Video: How to Make an ATC Tool Rack


Video link: How to Make an ATC Tool Rack Out of Wood

I needed a tool rack for my HITECO ATC spindle on my Avid CNC machine. I experimented with 3D printing some holders, but I felt like they were too weak. So, I ended up machining one out of wood, and it has worked quite well! Download the STL file and Fusion 360 CAD file for free and make your own:

I also discuss a lot of considerations I did on where to put the rack. There are a bunch of different locations you can put it; the back, the front, or one of the sides. I hadn’t seen anyone talking about the advantages and disadvantages of each location, so I thought through it a lot and cover what I think about each spot.

Here are a few pictures of the finished tool rack. I use blue tape to name the tools, because it is easy to pull off and rename when I change the tool out with something else.

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[…] In the next article I’ll cover making my custom DIY ATC Tool Rack. […]

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