
More circus pictures…

And some more pictures of my girlfriend and ashley:

get your espresso on!

My gal’s bro in law made a sweet site to find some of the hottest espresso wherever your travels take you: Check it out, and great job Eric!

Aptos High School Class of 1996 Reunion

My 10 year high school reunion is in a month or so — Aptos High, Class of ’96! Unfortunately, it has two fatal flaws: 1. It is happening on Sept 2nd, Labor day weekend. I’ll... [read more]

People! Use your keyboard (shortcuts) for menus.

Mac OS X has some GREAT keyboard access. One spectacular thing is the ability to access all items (unlike windows, where you have to have a defined shortcut for each item, and you easily run... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Xcode tips and tricks — fast method finding

Inside of Xcode, I’ll want to quickly go to a method implementation. If you hit Cmd-F and do a find for the method name (or the start of it), you will frequently get hits for... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

New home!

I now own a house in Los Gatos, California! Pictures here. I’ll be doing a lot of remodeling work for the next, oh, um…several years. 4.5 acres off of Hutchinson road. I’m SUPER excited! My... [read more]
General, Other Stuff
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It was bound to happen. It finally happened. My blog has started to get spam. So, based on Bill’s Success of using Akismet, I installed it in my WordPress plugins and it is now happily... [read more]

Mail tip of the day

In Mail, I frequently want to go to the first or last message in my list. On windows, the home and end keys work well for this. On MacOS, they don’t work in NSTableView/NSOutlineView by... [read more]
Apple, General

NSOutlineView: reloadData and crashes in reloadData

A note to NSOutlineView Cocoa programmers: It has never been safe to call reloadData while an outlineView is doing a reloadData. What the heck does that mean? Well, if you call reloadData, a whole bunch... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

New blog layout

I didn’t like the default layout, so I did what most people do and stole someone else’s and modified it to suite me. I took mine from another apple guy, Bill Bumgarner, aka bbum. Thanks... [read more]

WWDC: Beyond Buttons and Sliders: Complex Controls in Cocoa

Come to WWDC this year! I’ll be giving a great talk on advanced control and cell creation with Cocoa: 120 Beyond Buttons and Sliders: Complex Controls in Cocoa Learn how you can quickly and efficiently... [read more]
Cocoa, General

100k on a Unicycle – Strawberry Fields Forever

100k on a Unicycle – Strawberry Fields Forever. Here are some pictures from Nathan: Nathan Hoover photo galleries – powered by smugmug. I’m in the last 4 photos wearing a red shirt. Daniel, Corbin and... [read more]
General, Unicycling
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Watch me age with Photo Booth

With Photo Booth, and my camera on my iMac, I take a picture of myself almost every day at work: It is kind of neat to document yourself. After I get a few years... [read more]

Elephant’s Dream

How cool! An open movie made with open source graphics software. Check it out: Elephents Dream Download page.

UCSB Unicycling

YouTube: some of my buddies down souther. Or visit:

New York

I went to New York last weekend to visit Louise. It was a lot of fun! Some of the things I did: * Saw a cool comedy show * Went to the gugenheim museum and... [read more]

Bodies Exhibit

I saw the Bodies Exhibition last weekend while in New York. Real bodies, dissected and preserved really well. Crazy stuff!

Old muni pictures from Robert

Turn your head sideways ;)
General, Unicycling
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Muddy Coker Muni ride from April 2nd

Hi all, Nathan put up some pictures on his website of a Coker ride we did in Santa Cruz a few weeks ago. Nathan Hoover photo galleries – powered by smugmug.
General, Unicycling

Cocoa: modal NSColorPanel dialog.

Hi all, I’ve seen some people request how to do a modal color panel. Well, carbon has GetColor(..) which ultimately uses the same NSColorPanel. So, you can set it to begin a modal session before... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Hi there…I’m poison oak!

I thought this was funny: we saw this while in big sur last weekend.

Moab Mountain Unicycle Festival

Some pictures of me at the Moab Mountain Unicycle Festival a few weeks ago. (Moab Muni Fest). From Jess: From spencer’s mom. Moab videos (not of me, but I was there):... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Big Sur

I went to big sur last weekend, with my friend Chris Bensen and some of his friends. Check out the pictures. I really enjoy marco photography.
General, Photography

Mountain Unicycle pictures from Rockville Hills Park

Last Saturday, I went and did some really killer mountain unicycling with a great bunch of people. Tom took a lot of good pictures and put them up here: Check them out! I’m the... [read more]
General, Unicycling
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I want one of these..

I’ve always liked planes, and the next time I have a spare $1.3 mil hanging around, I’m going to get one! gizmag Article: Eclipse Aviation begins production of its landmark Very Light Jet (VLJ)

Tree Habitat (another treehouse!)

One of my friend’s, Dan, built a treehouse. He put some pictures up on a website: Be sure to check them out! I went over one day and gave him a helping hand one... [read more]
General, Treehouses

[NSColorPanel isContinuous] and [NSColorWell isContinuous]

A quick comment about these two properties: [NSColorPanel isContinuous] and [NSColorWell isContinuous]. Generally, you want these two things to be in sync. Whenever the color changes in the NSColorPanel, the color in the NSColorWell will... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Xcode shortcuts to finding a file.

Cocoa Developers: While programming with Xcode, I’ve developed several habits to make me a faster programmer. I’ll share these tidbits with you. 1. Use Cmd-Shift-D to quickly open files that you know the names to.... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Happy Tree Friends

One of my favorite video podcasts is Happy Tree Friends. They are a rather sick and twisted cartoon, but entertaining. Subscribe for your self.

Burning Man 2006

Today I got my burning man 2006 ticket. I’m not sure yet if I’m going to go for sure. Probably, as it was a lot of fun last year.
General, Other Stuff
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How to build a treehouse

I like treehouses, if you haven’t guessed. I found this great step-by-step page on how to build a treehouse: Treehouse – on instructables. In general, Instructables: step-by-step collaboration, is a great website. Very cool. For... [read more]
General, Other Stuff

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