WWDC: Beyond Buttons and Sliders: Complex Controls in Cocoa

Cocoa, General

Come to WWDC this year! I’ll be giving a great talk on advanced control and cell creation with Cocoa:

120 Beyond Buttons and Sliders: Complex Controls in Cocoa

Learn how you can quickly and efficiently create sophisticated Cocoa user interface elements for your application. Get practical guidance on how to extend Cocoa control objects like the table view and outline view using your own custom cells, and how to customize menus in a variety of ways.

Copied from: WWDC 2006 – Session Descriptions

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I hope its a good one. I plan to attend. I hope you go way beyond, because making a sqaure pink button is easy, making custom sliders of ODD shapes and sizes is HARD. Oh, and animated buttons too.


Do you plan to discuss custom controls made of multiple cells?

This is really one of the topic that has never been covered by Apple in any way (no valuable documentation, no sample codes, GNUStep source code does not help a lot, etc.)

I’m wondering if anyone outside Apple knows how this is and shall be done.

FWIW, NSTableView and NSOutlineView sounds Déjà Vu, tracking might prove interesting as one of Cocoa bad point is that tracking has always been flawed (both for cursors and tracking rect).


Hi Corbin,

Any chance that you can publish your “WWDC: Beyond Buttons and Sliders: Complex Controls in Cocoa” lecture after the WWDC is over for those of us who are very interested to hear it but don’t have the option of going to the WWDC?

Thx, Tim (The Netherlands)

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