
Box # 5…

I finished box #5 a few days ago (for Stephanie). It turned out really nice! It is made of redwood with pine keys. This is the first thing I made with my new table saw... [read more]
General, Woodworking

new table saw!

I really needed to upgrade my table saw, and a few days ago I got my order in from a nice new grizzly 10“ table saw. I got this one:
General, Woodworking

Mailboxes muni ride — a few pictures

Tom took a few pictures from our mountain unicycle ride last weekend, Mailboxes, in santa cruz. check them out here.
General, Unicycling

Woodworking: Box #4

Well, I finished box 4 a few days ago. It is pretty nice! Some of the pictures are now on my pictures page: Corbin’s Pictures – Box #4. I used redwood; again it was from... [read more]
General, Woodworking

Cocoa: NSArrayController and two tableview’s

Hi Cocoa Developers, Tip of the day: Don’t bind two NSTableView’s to a single NSArrayController instance. Bugs will happen! More specifically, attempting to multi-select rows will not work properly — the two tableviews will fight... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Cocoa: Targeting the entire tableview in a drop operation

Hi Programmers. If you are doing drag and drop in an NSTableView with Cocoa, you can use the following method in your “validateDrop” datasource method to retarget the row it is going to: – (void)setDropRow:(int)row... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General
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Cocoa: drop down menu buttons

In Cocoa, it is pretty easy to use an NSButton that creates a drop down menu. One of the key-tricks to making it appear to be an NSPopUpButton is to set the [NSCell sendActionOn:]. Generally,... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Uniplex: Episode 2

Uniplex Episode 2 is out! Download the w4v file and play it with QuickTime 7 or subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. This episode has Trevor Blackwell and his self-balancing electric unicycle. Plus, some interviews... [read more]
General, Unicycling

One year at Apple.

Today is my one year anniversary at Apple! Apple is a great company, and I have been having a great time working on the AppKit framework and I’m looking forward to all the cool new... [read more]
Apple, General

Woodworking: Box #3

Today, I finished box #3. It is a simple box, with a slight pyramid shape. The edges slant upwards at a 5 degree angle. It is made of redwood (home depot junk redwood!) that I... [read more]
General, Woodworking

Proteas. Macro Photography.

Today, I went to the UCSC Arboretum with Chris Bensen and took some great pictures in between some pouring rain downfalls. I used my 100mm macro lens, and I got a few good shots. Take... [read more]
General, Photography

Tango lessons!

On last Tuesday night, I took my first tango lesson. It is really cool! Check out Steppin’ Out Productions.
General, Other Stuff
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synergy on Intel MacOS X

Hi All. I use synergy to share my keyboard/mouse on my computers. I recompiled the server for Intel MacOS. Feel free to grab it and use it: It is an Intel ONLY binary. It... [read more]
Apple, General

MacBook Pro: I want one!

If you haven’t heard, Apple has new laptops, the MacBook Pro. I want one!
Apple, General

Photography: Great tree pictures from Castle Rock

Last weekend, I took a trip up to Castle Rock state park. It is a popular climbing destination, and there is some gorgeous scenery. I went by myself, and brought my camera along with my... [read more]
General, Nature, Photography

Cocoa: Creating a custom Color Picker in Cocoa. Part 1.

It is pretty easy to create a custom Color Picker that is available in any application, or for just your particular app. It isn’t difficult to do, but there are some caveats that you must... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Boxes. Woodworking. Making things.

In today’s modern day and age, making things seems to be a lost art. In junior high, and high school, I took a few woodshop classes. I’ve always enjoyed woodworking, and making things with my... [read more]
General, Woodworking

For sale: House in Maui, Wailuku, Hawaii. MLS 315702

If you are interested in having a house to stay at when you visit Maui, well, this one might be for you! A single family house with a detached “Ohana”/cottage. The Ohana currently is rented... [read more]
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Cocoa: Using NSPredicate and NSMetadataQuery

Hi Apple Cocoa developers. Here are some more tips and tricks for Cocoa development. On Tiger, there is a new class called NSMetadataQuery that allows you to do some cool Spotlight searches. See the “Spotlighter”... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Cocoa: Disappearing headers in CoreData generated TableViews

Apple Cocoa developers: Finally another blog entry for you! Everyone else: You may want to skip this one… It has come to my attention that some NSTableView instances created by dragging CoreData objects into Interface... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Barbara Butler’s Treehouses and Play Structures

Barbara Butler, who has some great treehouses and play structures that have appeared in several treehouse books, has a great website: She offers both pre designed wooden play houses and 2-story play sets, as... [read more]
General, Nature, Treehouses

Rock Climbing in Red Rocks, Nevada

For the past few days on my holiday break, I went and did some climbing at Red Rocks, Nevada with a few friends (Jason, Sara, and Ellie). It was a blast! I really love rock... [read more]
Climbing, General, Nature, Photography

A great artist and Photoshop drawing tips

Olduvai George has a great artistic blog. In his latest post, he goes over some of the finer details of using photoshop to create some of his artwork. Wonderful! Take a gander at it over... [read more]
General, Nature

Mountain Unicycling – Pro photographer pictures

Daniel Peak, a photographer, took some pictures of me riding my mountain unicycle in Los Gatos a while ago. Visit his website at:, and on the editorial page you can see the picture he... [read more]
General, Photography, Unicycling
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An excellent cheese making website

I’m into doing things by hand. i’ve never made cheese by hand, but this website, Fankhauser’s Cheese Page, is an excellent resource.

Aperture tutorials

It is a little hard to find, but there are some great Aperture tutorials available on the apple website. Here is a link to them.

Fat Tire

So, one of my favorite beers is definitely Fat Tire. I don’t know why, but it really appeals to me. I used to be a real “dark beer” drinker (guinness), but now I’m moving towards... [read more]

Mountain Unicycle Video Podcast

My buddy, Nick Brazzi, has started a unicycle podcast. This includes some cool mountain unicyle and trials stuff, along with lessons! Subscribe to it in iTunes by clicking on pcast:// Or, you can just visit... [read more]

Me and my family

Here are a few pictures from my cousin, Debbie, from our thanksgiving dinner in 2005: Me and my sister, Brenna. The whole Dunny family. Brandi (my cousin Gabe’s girlfriend), Debbie (my cousin), Gabe’s girl: Maraiah... [read more]
General, Other Stuff

Two for one Tuesdays

While in Barcelona, Louise and I would take the subway/metro and get “two for one tuesdays”. IE: I would walk through the gate (when there wasn’t a guard nearby) and she would follow me through... [read more]
General, Other Stuff
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Macro lens work in Spain

My macro lens is very cool. Here is a picture of a ceiling at some outdoor plaza area in Seville, Spain: The ceiling was some 40 feet (or so it seemed) away from me, yet... [read more]
General, Photography

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