DIY Kitchen Cabinets – The SketchUp Model

DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Download the full design for my custom kitchen cabinets: Kitchen v23

It is designed in a free 3D modeling program called SketchUp Make. Download SketchUp Make

Subscribe to my YouTube channel to follow along as I make these cabinets. Or, watch the Introduction Episode 1.

Kitchen model


Here’s what the stove side looks like in real life:

IMG 1727

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[…] of inset cabinets, and will go through all the challenges that this presents. You can download my Kitchen Cabinet SketchUp File for free and see how I created […]

Great material you have here. I was looking for some inspiration to build an inset cabinet and I found you. Thanks for taking your time for editing and post your video on YouTube and make the SketchUp File available.

[…] Download the SketchUp file for my kitchen here: Kitchen Cabinet SketchUp Model Download. […]

[…] Download the SketchUp file for my kitchen here: DIY Kitchen SketchUp Model […]

[…] Download the SketchUp file for my kitchen here: Kitchen SketchUp Model Download […]

[…] Download the SketchUp file for my kitchen here: Kitchen SketchUp File Download. […]

Michael Mullane

Thank you.


how can i download this to view in the free 3D viewer?

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