Project Hutchinson: Tablesaw outfeed table

DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

I wanted to start work on my built in dressers for the upstairs, but first I needed an out feed table for the tablesaw. I wanted something that doubled as a work space, and added some additional storage. I also wanted a built-in sanding table, but I decided to do that another day.

So, using some pocket hole joints, old 2x4s and 2x6s ripped clean and glued together, I made a really rock solid outfeed table. The top is two pieces of 3/4″ MDF glued and screwed together, with counter top stuff on the top to protect it and add a smooth surface to slide pieces of wood on.


It went together really fast, and has already been a great help. In particular, it makes sawing long pieces much safer, as they just catch onto the outfeed table instead of dropping down.


In the above picture, you can also see the updated router table that I made.

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Nice table extension and and router table. I did notice (however) that your extension doesn’t have room for your saw blade guard. Do you not use it?


Nope, I don’t use it. I know it is more dangerous to not use it, but it is a pain to install and remove, and I frequently am switching out blades and lowering the blade to use the saw as a tabletop to work on. Eventually I hope to get a new tablesaw with a riving knife; they help prevent kick back better than splitters, are easier to install and use, and have better guards.



Yeah, I know. I really wish someone would come up with a riving knife upgrade for existing saws (mine doesn’t have one either).

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