Coker riding and a dog in a motorcycle boat trailer


This dog, seen in Corralitos, CA on our Coker unicycle ride, was traveling in style behind a nice motorcycle:

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He had this little area to stick his head out of. You gotta love the pirate flag!

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The back is nicely done!

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If he wanted to get out of the wind, he could tuck underneath, and still see forward through a little glass window!

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doug rosskilley

thank you for the great photos of bucky riding in his trailer. he began doing this eight years ago when he was one year old. i would go on a ride and bucky would sadly wait under my bed until i returned. knowing that he really would rather be with me, i devised this trailer for him. at first i was a bit nervous in having never pulled a trailer before and not knowing if putting a dog in one was such a hot idea. the day comes when putting on the finishing touches, bucky sitting there watching my every move, i turn to him and say “get in” and before i could get out “in”, he already had boarded. in over fourty thousand miles traveling with bucky, i have encountered no problems. in the winter months we use the baby teardrop trailer for camping and multi state touring.

Ray Warren

Now that would be a project.Let me guesss.You are a millwright,shipwright,finishing carpenter,cabinet maker…or all of the above ? With my little 500 it have to made out of aluminum ? or 3/8 ply ? I don’t want to copy yours but if you have a building blueprint or diagram of the chassis…. It would help me on my way to providing my companion Arwyn with the Buckymobile.

thanx for the hope

aka Midnight Rider

Cody Rosskilley

Nice thats a good trailer sir may i have the bike lol not like i cant ride it good time good times i think im comin back down for summer vacation idk yet i hope so, if i do we have to go on a ride o yea uncle bud i did a smart move in construction class i cut my finger half way off lol well i g2g much love cody

Ken Porter

Love your boat trailer idea. You did a great job! I’m in California too, and I build motorcycle trailers as well. My first trailer was a baby teardrop as well, would like to see yours. Maybe we can trade some ideas! Hope to hear form you.

Good luck and be safe !


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