Seville (Sevilla, spain)


Right now, i am in sevilla, spain. it is really cool down here. i say down here..because it is southern spain — about an 8 hour train ride from barcelona, that ended up being 10 hours because trains are frequently late. there is this great cathedral that i took a ton of pictures of, and a lot of other interesting touristy things. last night, we went to a small flamanco bar with a group of varied people …3 americans, one swiss-english gal, a french girl, and a guy from moroco (well, he ended up not going out, but we were all hanging out earlier). i really wish i knew spanish, but so it goes…eventually i´ll try to learn it. two nights ago we went to a cool club and danced around for hours. it was quite smoky, but i managed to put up with it. everyone here stays out till like 3 am — it is crazy but it has been nice to sleep in until 1pm..something which i have never done in the states.

i decided i really like architecture…there have been some amazing buildings here. i really like gaudi in barcelona…some of his buildings and parks are like none other. i can´t wait until i can check out my pictures from my camera. i dropped a bunch of them onto a CD a few days back so i could take more pictures. i wish i would have brought a spare memory card –that would have made things a lot easier, but c´est la vie. and i´ve been obsessed with taking pictures. it is so fun to play around with my new camera, and i´m really glad that i got it.

many of the people in spain are really nice. people help each other a lot, and are very talkative and friendly…i am so glad that louise can speak spanish so well, as i would really be lost here without her. a lot of people do speak english, but it is better to make an attempt to speak their native language in their country. i use the four or five spanish words i know, like hola! hasta luego!

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yep, would be good to have a good command of the sapnish language . At least you have loiuise with you which i am sure makesa all the difference.

I have heard that the norm is stay up late and sleep late.

Glad your camera is getting a work out – want to see the pics of architecure you took

how is the currency exchange rate?


Adam Markowitz

Don’t forget to be able to ask “Where’s the bathroom??!!?!?” That one’s important :)


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