My trip back home


Well, I safely made it back to good ‘ol America, however, it was a long journey. I started out on a night train from Seville to Barcelona; after the 10 hour train ride (where I got to watch a gorgeous sunrise on the mediteranean coast) I spent my last day in Barcelona with Louise. We went to the aquarium, and it was pretty cool, although I’m looking forward to visiting the Montery Bay one sometime soon. Then, I took a night flight from 8pm-10pm to Frankfurt, Germany. I spent the night at the airport; that wasn’t too fun, and I slept maybe two hours and did a lot of reading in the Chronicles of Narnia. At about 1am, I was resting on two bench seats sort of half-asleep when a very nice night-cleaning worker came up to me and put two blankets over me. Some people are so nice, and I really appreciated it. It made my night a lot more comfortable. I met a lot of nice people in Spain and Germany, and it reaffirms my belief that most people are really good people. The airport was pretty dead from 10pm-4:30am, at which point it sort of came alive with people ready for their travels. So, I got up, cruised around until 8am and left for home. On the flight back, I slept a few more hours and got to watch Charlie and the Chocolate factory (the new version, which i hadn’t seen and really wanted to see, so i was happy to watch it). I sat next to two germans (I got the window, as usual; I can’t ever really remember not having a window seat on a plane — i like window seats!), but they didn’t seem to interested in chatting, but once we got to San Fran I told them some of the sights as we flew over them (Golden Gate, Alcatraz, Oakland (is that a sight??), etc). Jason picked me up from the airport, and we went to his house to pick up Sara and go to the climbing gym. I climbed w/them and JR and Ellie, and then we all went to J’s and had some yummy stir fry while drinking gin and tonic, playing card games, and finally watching happy gilmore (which I promptly fell asleep to). It was a fun, but long, day.

Pictures coming soon!

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