castle rock adventures

General, Other Stuff

today was a good day of castle rock climbing. JR, Sebastian, Jason, Sarah and I went up for some adventure on the right side of the waterfall cliff. It was a blast! I led a pretty easy 5.10c (Putrefaction), but at the top sort of skipped to the right and then avoided a 5.11a overpass:


(notice the “coffee bean” in the middle). the 5.11a doesn’t start till that last single X (bolt). The bottom is an easy 5.10c, and you can scramble left or right to keep it in the 10 category.

Later, we all attempted the 5.11 move on top rope; it proved to be a killer as none of us made it over. We later TR’d Clamydia (5.11d) flopping around on its really tough parts. Same thing for “above the law”. At one point, I decided to try my first solo; an easy 5.6 crack on the right side called Degeneration. The top move was 10.a, so I followed the left side around to avoid it and keep it 5.8’ish.



Cleotitis was 11.x up till a really tough 12 part that i just hung out on forever!

(if you look closely in this picture, you can see JR’s wallet in the water).

peace outs,
corbs aka: Incredicakes (Pancake Playhouse)

ps: pictures stolen/borrowed from the bayareaclimbers site


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