Shop Insulation – The Truckee Workshop Part 15


In the previous post, I discussed my shop electrical wiring decisions. If you are jumping in here, be sure to check out all the posts on the entire Truckee Workshop Project.

Truckee is cold in the winter, and my workshop has radiant heating in the floors. Adding heating required my building to pass “title 24” requirements in California. Basically, these are some strict requirements and calculations for how the building has to be insulated in order to not loose too much heat. It also meant I could not put radiant heat in the garage portion; the garage doors were said to loose too much heat and could not pass the requirements. However, later on I heard about other new construction buildings with heating in the garage slab. I wish I would have pushed on this a bit more and got the heating engineer to make it work out, as I’m a bit disappointed that I won’t have heat in that area.

I sub-contracted out the insulation job. Unfortunately, it took the company over 4 weeks before they could even get started on my job, and it took a week or so to get it completed. Part of the delay was my fault; I knew they wanted a two week lead time, and I didn’t want to tell them I was ready for insulation until after the rough electrical passed inspection. I was okay with waiting a few weeks, but the company was busy and I ended up waiting a month.

I needed to do spray insulation in the ceiling due to it not having a vented roof. If it was just regular batt insulation, it would have required venting, and I didn’t do the vents when the roofing was done. I opted for the easier solution, which was spray, even though I knew it was more expensive. I wanted to spray the entire building, but it was just way too expensive.

The ceiling is 2″ of foam with batts on top of the foam (err…underneath the foam, when you look at it from the bottom).

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[…] After I did the electrical I got an inspection, and then could proceed onto the next step of insulating the workshop & garage. […]

[…] last post I talked about getting my shop insulation done. If you are just jumping into this page, then check out the overview of posts in ascending […]

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