Master Bathroom Remodel

DIY Home Remodeling

I have been working on a new design for my master bathroom for quite some time. I finished in Sketchup recently:

Bathroom layout - Hutchinson - v16 - floating side cupboard 2013-02-15 16160000000.png

I’m going to be doing a “floating” design where the cabinets are supported by steel that goes into the wall. I hope it works out the way I think it will! The above is a rendering from sketch up. Below are a few of the raw SketchUp screen shots:

Screen Shot 2013-03-23 at 9.37.19 AM.png

Screen Shot 2013-03-23 at 9.37.13 AM.png

After I did the design, I used a Plugin called “Cut List” to get a rough estimate of how much wood I will need.

I went by Aura Hardwoods yesterday and actually got some wood. I’ll have to go back for more (I didn’t even get the sheets of plywood I need for the drawers), but now I can get started!


Mostly cherry, with maple drawers.

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Marta Pastor

Claro y conciso. Muchas gracias. Besos!

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