The Electric Bug Chronicles: F – You
Stories from the driver’s seat.
This is something that happened about four years ago, and the picture below is from 2011.
The California HOV white stickers: the privilege to drive solo in the carpool lane during rush hour is very mjuch coveted by EV drivers. Back in 2011 it was a time when the yellow hybrid stickers had already expired, and people would only occasionally see a Tesla Roadster, and even less frequently a boxy EV RAV4 (unless your last name is Adelman). So, I was driving solo the carpool lane on Highway 85 one day, and a motorcycle comes by splitting the lanes. He slows down and takes a good peek at me going solo in the carpool lane, and assumes I was violating the law. His answer was to show me his middle finger, and then continue alone his way. Ah, ignorance!
I would have taken this as a one-off event, but the same thing happened again about six months later! And I’m pretty sure it was a different motorcyclist.
Below is a shot of the oft-missed white stickers. Some people hate putting them on their cars; I think they are a badge of honor!
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