The Electric Bug Chronicles: Cops.
Stories from the driver’s seat.
I have been pulled over at least ten times by the cops. It has become less frequent the past two years, although part of the reason is probably because I didn’t get to drive the bug a lot for the past year due to transmission trouble. I can recognize when it is going to happen, and let me share some of my favorite stories.
One time I was driving home on Highway 85 in the carpool lane. A cop pulls in the lane behind me, and starts tailgating me. Now, his lights aren’t on, and I’m not doing anything wrong. I figure he just really needed to get by me, so I pull into the next lane and let him pass. Then I immediately get back into the fast lane. The cop, now in front of me, pulls into the left breakdown lane area and slams on his brakes causing me to speed by him. He pops back into my lane right behind me and flips on the lights. I pull over into the breakdown lane, and he walks up to the window and says, “I was going to let you go but you got right back into the carpool lane!” I showed him piece of paper that validates the carpool lane stickers and said I have a zero emissions vehicle. He looks it over and says “alright”, and I take off ahead of him.
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I’ve always liked monkeys and on one of my old cars I had found some stickers and put a call sign on the door titled “Monkey <star>”. My friend Jason laser cut some for my bug to continue the tradition:

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