Metalwork: Wine Glass Rack


Here’s a wine glass rack I made for my dad’s wife, Karen. I made it a while ago, but it was a Christmas present, so I couldn’t post it till after the 25th.



It is made out of 1/4″ diameter mild steel round stock.

I bent each top piece by hand, freestyle around a little jig. I welded each one to the other one at the base. To cover up the welds, I wanted to curl some of the round stock around it; I tried to pre-bend it by hand, but that wasn’t working. Instead, I started by tacking the top portion on (as seen below at the top of the wrap). I then took the oxy/acet torch and heated the stuff up until it glowed red and then just wrapped it around again and again, sometimes using a hammer to get it to go a little tighter. That worked great, but it makes me want to make a forge to more easily make stuff like this.


The bottom spiral I also bent by hand, using the same jig which I had around for my railing.

It is covered with some spray-can semi-gloss clear coat.


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Nick Hodges

Corbin —

That is lovely — you could easily make a living making such great stuff. Very nice.


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