LED Cyr wheel jig completed, and casting

Circus/Cyr Wheel

I completed the jig, centered it on the wheel and then screwed the jig to the wooden sliders:


I took the jig off, and cut out the center hole to be bigger than 1/2″ (I think 5/8″)

It slides pretty easily along the tubing:

I stuck in a 1/2″ end mill (the width of the LEDs) and played around with it until I got the depth I wanted. The jig is fairly simple, and works pretty well!


That is a nice clean, straight cut. Done in two passes.

Now I’m playing around filling it with the SmoothOn EpoxCast. It is mixed by weight, so I got a cheap scale from Target today.


Things I learned: the wheel needs to be perfectly flat, otherwise the smooth on will run out of the groove. Or, I need a way to make a cast holding to pour in the smooth on. I played around with casting in some old LEDs. It’ll take 24 hours to dry before I see how well it holds and what it is like. The stuff is super clear though. You do have to be careful using the EpoxAcast — proper gloves, and breathing mask are required!


The old LED strips I have (one color at a time, analog) have a hard coating to protect them. The new ones I bought have a soft coating…so, I’ll probably remove it, or buy non-water casing LEDs next.

I don’t think I can cast on the inside of the wheel…so I’m going to go for one strip on each side.


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